
Sphaerosomes contain

Sphaerosomes contain Options (a) cellulose reserve (b) protein reserve (c) lipid reserve (d) both protein and lipid Correct Answer: lipid…

Some of the enzymes which are associated in converting fats into carbohydrates

Some of the enzymes, which are associated in converting fats into carbohydrates, are present in Options (a) microsomes (b) liposomes…

Solute potential of a solution is always

Solute potential of a solution is always Options (a) 0 (b) >0 (c)

Solarisation is the

Solarisation is the Options (a) Formation of chlorophyll (b) destruction of chlorophyll (c) utilisation of sunlight (d) effect of solar…

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a major site for synthesis of

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum acts as a major site for synthesis of Options (a) lipids and steroids (b) proteins (c) ribosomes…

Smallest unit of muscle is

Smallest unit of muscle is Options (a) sarcomere (b) sarcoplasm (c) muscle fibril (d) entire muscle Correct Answer: sarcomereExplanation:Sarcomere is…

Sleeping movements in some plants is called

Sleeping movements in some plants is called Options (a) seismonasty (b) nictynasty (c) photonasty (d) thermonasty Correct Answer: nictynastyExplanation:Sleep movement…

Sleep movements of leaves in some plants are due to

Sleep movements of leaves in some plants are due to Options (a) excess of respiration (b) leaves stop photosynthesis (c)…

SirJC Bose proposed which of the following theory to explain the process of

Sir.J.C. Bose proposed which of the following theory to explain the process of ascent of sap? Options (a) pulsation theory…

Single membrane bound organelle is

Single membrane bound organelle is Options (a) lysosome (b) plastid (c) nucleus (d) mitochondria Correct Answer: lysosomeExplanation:No explanation available. Be…