Among bitter gourd, mustard, brinjal, pumpkin, china rose, lupin, cucumber, sunhemp, gram, guava, bean, chilli, plum, petunia, tomato, rose, withania, potato, onion, aloe and tulip how many plants have hypogynous flower?
(a) Ten
(b) Fifteen
(c) Eighteen
(d) Six
Correct Answer:
Mustard (cruciferae) , brinjal (solanaceae) china rose (malvaceae), lupin (leguminosae), gram (leguminosae), bean (leguminosae), chilli, Petunia, potato, tomato, Withania (solanaceae), onion, Aloe, tulip (liliaceae) are having hypogynous flower while bittergourd, cucumber (cucurbitaceae), guava (myrtaceae) are having epigynous flower and rose are having perigynous flower.