A particle is dropped vertically from rest, from a height.The time taken by it to fall

A particle is dropped vertically from rest, from a height.The time taken by it to fall through successive distances of 1m each will be, then


(a) all equal, being equal to √2/g sec
(b) in the ratio of the squareroots of the integers 1, 2,3,…
(c) in the ratio of the diffrence in the square roots of the integers, i.e.√1 ,(√2 – √1), (√3 – √2) ,(√4 – √3)….
(d) in the ratio oif the reciprocals of the square roots of the integers, i.e. 1 / √1, 1 /√2, 1 / √3, 1 / √4

Correct Answer:

in the ratio of the diffrence in the square roots of the integers, i.e.√1 ,(√2 – √1), (√3 – √2) ,(√4 – √3)….


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