A gymnospermic leaf carries 16 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in its endosperm

A gymnospermic leaf carries 16 chromosomes. The number of chromosomes in its endosperm is


(a) 20
(b) 16
(c) 12
(d) 8

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  • Endosperm in a gymnospermic plant is a haploid structure, which is formed without the fusion of gametes and represent female gametophyte.
    Leaf of gymnosperm belongs to diploid generation. So, number of chromosomes in endosperm of gymnosperm is 8.

  • Endosperm in a gymnospermic plant is a haploid structure, which is formed without fusion of gametes and represent female gametophyte.
    Leaf of gymnosperm belongs to diploid generation. So, number of chromosomes in endosperm of gymnosperm is 8.

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