Transport and Nutrition in Plants

Chlorosis is produced in leaves due to deficiency of FeMgMnN or S Of these

Chlorosis is produced in leaves due to deficiency of Fe,Mg,Mn,N or S. Of these essential elements those are exclusive constituents…

Cell elongation is adversely affected by Element required by plant in large

Cell elongation is adversely affected by / Element required by plant in large quantity is Options (a) Sodium (b) Cobalt…

By protoplasmic streaming theoryhow sugar is translocated from one sieve tube

By protoplasmic streaming theory,how sugar is translocated from one sieve tube to other Options (a) Diffusion (b) Osmosis (c) Absorption…

Brown heart disease in cauliflower is due to the deficiency of

Brown heart disease in cauliflower is due to the deficiency of Options (a) iron (b) boron (c) copper (d) phosphorus…

An essential element is one

An essential element is one Options (a) Improve plant growth (b) Present in plant ash (c) Is indispensable for growth…

Addition of solution in the cell develops

Addition of solution in the cell develops Options (a) TP (b) OP (c) DP (d) WP Correct Answer: TPExplanation:Addition of…

Addition of a solute to pure water causes

Addition of a solute to pure water causes Options (a) Negative water potential (b) More negative water potential (c) Positive…

Active transport of ions by the cell requires

Active transport of ions by the cell requires Options (a) High temperature (b) ATP (c) Alkaline pH (d) Salts Correct…

A trace element is an element which

A trace element is an element which Options (a) Is a radioactive and can be traced by Geiger counter (b)…

A total root parasite is

A total root parasite is Options (a) Dendrophthose (b) Orobanche (c) Viscum (d) Santalum Correct Answer: Orobanche Explanation:Orobanche is a…