Surface Chemistry and Isolation of Elements

Which One Of The Following Is A False Statement Chemistry Question

Which one of the following is a false statement

Which one of the following is a false statement Options (a) Cell fluid is an example of sol (b) Butter…

If The Adsorbate Is Held On A Surface By Weak Chemistry Question

If the adsorbate is held on a surface by weak Van der Walls forces

If the adsorbate is held on a surface by weak Van der Walls forces, the absorption process is called Options…

Which One Of The Following Does Not Involve Coagulation Chemistry Question

Which one of the following does not involve coagulation

Which one of the following does not involve coagulation Options (a) Clotting of blood by the use of ferric chloride…

The Base Principle Of Cottrells Precipitator Is Chemistry Question

The base principle of Cottrell’s precipitator is

The base principle of Cottrell's precipitator is Options (a) neutralisation of charge on colloidal particles (b) scattering of light (c)…

Activated Charcoal Is Used To Remove Colouring Matter From Pure Chemistry Question

Activated charcoal is used to remove colouring matter from pure substances.

Activated charcoal is used to remove colouring matter from pure substances.It works by Options (a) oxidation (b) reduction (c) bleaching…

Identify The Gas Which Is Readily Adsorbed By Activated Charcoal Chemistry Question

Identify the gas which is readily adsorbed by activated charcoal

Identify the gas which is readily adsorbed by activated charcoal Options (a) N₂ (b) SO₂ (c) H₂ (d) O₂ Correct…

In The Extraction Of Copper From Its Sulphide Ore The Chemistry Question

In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the metal is finally obtained

In the extraction of copper from its sulphide ore, the metal is finally obtained by the reduction of cuprous oxide…

Metals Are Usually Not Found As Nitrates In Their Ores Chemistry Question

‘Metals are usually not found as nitrates in their ores”. Out of the following two

'Metals are usually not found as nitrates in their ores''. Out of the following two (i) and (ii) reasons which…

Which Property Of Colloidal Solution Is Not Dependent On The Chemistry Question

Which property of colloidal solution is not dependent on the charge on colloidal

Which property of colloidal solution is not dependent on the charge on colloidal particles Options (a) Coagulation (b) Electrophoresis (c)…

In The Case Of Auto Catalysis Chemistry Question

In the case of auto catalysis

In the case of auto catalysis Options (a) product catalyses (b) solvent catalyses (c) reactant catalyses (d) heat produced in…