Structural Organisation In Plants

Stem tendril is not present in

Stem tendril is not present in Options (a) passion flower (b) grapevine (c) groundnut (d) lemon Correct Answer: lemonExplanation:No explanation…

Longest seed viability is found in

Longest seed viability is found in Options (a) indian lotus (b) latuce (c) coclebur (d) mustard Correct Answer: indian lotusExplanation:No…

The correct floral formula of chilli is

The correct floral formula of chilli is Options (a) collenchyma (b) sclerenchyma (c) xylem (d) meristem Correct Answer: collenchymaExplanation:No explanation…

The characteristic fruit of Brassica,family cruciferae is

The characteristic fruit of Brassica,family cruciferae is Options (a) follicle (b) silliqua (c) capsule (d) carcervulus Correct Answer: capsuleExplanation:No explanation…

Castor is a dicot having albuminus seeds.In these seeds there is a specific

Castor is a dicot having albuminus seeds. In these seeds there is a specific outgrowth called Options (a) coleorhiza (b)…

The eyes of the potato tuber are

The eyes of the potato tuber are Options (a) flower buds (b) shoot buds (c) axilary buds (d) root buds…

Roots develped from parts of the plant other than radicle are called

Roots develped from parts of the plant other than radicle are called Options (a) tap root (b) fibrous roots (c)…

In which of the following plants, stem performs the function of storage

In which of the following plants, stem performs the function of storage and perennation Options (a) sweet potato (b) dahlia…

Monocot stem lacks

Monocot stem lacks Options (a) tracheids (b) sieve tube (c) cambium (d) none of these Correct Answer: cambiumExplanation:No explanation available.…

The characteristic fruit of family Leguminosae is

The characteristic fruit of family Leguminosae is Options (a) legume or pod (b) silicula (c) regma (d) cremocarp Correct Answer:…