Locomotion and Movement

How many ribs are present in human beings

How many ribs are present in human beings Options (a) 6 pairs (b) 9 pairs (c) 12 pairs (d) 15…

Haversian canals are found in

Haversian canals are found in Options (a) Spinal cord (b) Brain (c) Long bones (d) Sponge Correct Answer: Long bonesExplanation:Haversian…

Gout is a disease that affects the joints and leads to arthritis It is associated

Gout is a disease that affects the joints and leads to arthritis. It is associated with an abnormality of Options…

Gout disorder happens due to accumalation of which joints

Gout disorder happens due to accumalation of which joints? Options (a) glucose crystals (b) uric acid crystals (c) urea cystals…

Gastrocnemius is a muscle of

Gastrocnemius is a muscle of Options (a) Forelimbs (b) Thigh (c) Shank (d) Abdomen of frog Correct Answer: ShankExplanation:It is…

Electron microscopic studies of the sarcomeres have revealed that during muscle

Electron microscopic studies of the sarcomeres have revealed that during muscle contraction Options (a) The width of A-band remains constant…

During muscle contraction

During muscle contraction Options (a) Chemical energy is changed into electrical energy (b) Chemical energy is changed into mechanical energy…

Deltoid ridge is found in which one of the following bones

Deltoid ridge is found in which one of the following bones Options (a) Radius (b) Tibia (c) Femur (d) Humerus…

Convexcity of one bone articulates with conavity of other bone in

Convexcity of one bone articulates with conavity of other bone in Options (a) gliding joint (b) hinge joints (c) pivot…

Contraction of a muscle is caused by

Contraction of a muscle is caused by Options (a) Myosin (b) Actin (c) ATP (d) Actomyosin Correct Answer: ActomyosinExplanation:During muscle…