Hydrogen and Redox Reactions

Ortho and para-hydrogen have

Ortho and para-hydrogen have Options (a) identical chemical but different physical properties (b) identical physical and chemical properties (c) identical…

Electronic configuration of hydride ion is

Electronic configuration of hydride ion is Options (a) 1s¹ (b) 1s² (c) s¹⁺¹ (d) s²⁺ Correct Answer: 1s² Explanation: Hydrogen…

On reaction with Mg, very dilute nitric acid produces

On reaction with Mg, very dilute nitric acid produces Options (a) nitric acid (b) hydrogen (c) NH₃ (d) nitrous oxide…

Water has high boiling point because

Water has high boiling point because Options (a) it is weak acid (b) it is associate with hydrogen bonding (c)…

Tritium is the isotope of

Tritium is the isotope of Options (a) carbon (b) sulphur (c) hydrogen (d) oxygen Correct Answer: hydrogenExplanation:No explanation available. Be…

ortho and para hydrogen differ in the

ortho and para hydrogen differ in the Options (a) nature of spin of protons (b) nature of spin of electrons…

Heavy water is

Heavy water is Options (a) water containing sulphate of Ca and Mg (b) water containning heavy ion (c) water at…

H₂O₂ is manufactured these days by

H₂O₂ is manufactured these days by Options (a) the action of H₂O₂ on BaO₂ (b) the action of H₂SO₄ on…

Ionic hydrides reacts with water to give

Ionic hydrides reacts with water to give Options (a) hydride ion (b) acidic solution (c) protons (d) basic solution Correct…

In H₂O₂ molecules, the angle between two O-H planes is

In H₂O₂ molecules, the angle between two O-H planes is Options (a) 103⁰ (b) 94⁰ (c) 105⁰ (d) 101⁰ Correct…