
Which of the following acids exhibits optical activity

Which of the following acids exhibits optical activity Options (a) Oxalic acid (b) Lactic acid (c) Acetic acid (d) Benzoic…

What is the composition of tear gas

What is the composition of tear gas Options (a) Na₂S₂O₃.nH₂O (b) KCl.MgCl₂.24H₂O (c) K₄Fe(CN)₆ (d) CCl₃NO₂ Correct Answer: CCl₃NO₂Explanation:No explanation…

Ethyne can be oxidised to oxalic acid by using

Ethyne can be oxidised to oxalic acid by using Options (a) chromic acid (b) alkaline KMnO₄ (c) hypochlorous acid (d)…

In which of the following resonance will be possible

In which of the following resonance will be possible Options (a) CH₂ = CH – CH₂ – CHO (b) CH₂…

Which one of the following reagents will be able to distinguish between 1-butyne

Which one of the following reagents will be able to distinguish between 1-butyne and 2-butyne Options (a) NaNH₂ (b) HCl…

Liquid hydrocarbons are can be converted to a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons by

Liquid hydrocarbons are can be converted to a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons by Options (a) oxidation (b) cracking (c) distillation…

Which one of the following pairs represents stereoisomerism

Which one of the following pairs represents stereoisomerism Options (a) Structural isomerism and geometric isomerism (b) Optical isomerism and geometric…

Reaction of HBr with propene in the presence of peroxide gives

Reaction of HBr with propene in the presence of peroxide gives Options (a) iso-propyl bromide (b) 3-bromo propane (c) allyl…

Geometrical isomers differ in

Geometrical isomers differ in Options (a) position of functional groups (b) position of atoms (c) spatial arrangement of atoms (d)…

Dihedral angle in staggered form of ethane is

Dihedral angle in staggered form of ethane is Options (a) 0⁰ (b) 120⁰ (c) 60⁰ (d) 180⁰ Correct Answer: 60⁰Explanation:No…