Cell Structure and Functions

A non proteinaceous enzyme is

A non proteinaceous enzyme is Options (a) Ligase (b) Deoxyribonuclease (c) Lysozyme (d) Ribozyme Correct Answer: Ribozyme Explanation: Ribozyme is…

In meiosis crossing over is initiated at

In meiosis, crossing over is initiated at Options (a) Pachytene (b) Leptotene (c) Zygotene (d) Diplotene Correct Answer: PachyteneExplanation:Leptotene is…

DNA content is doubled during

DNA content is doubled during Options (a) metaphase (b) Interphase (c) prophase (d) telophase Correct Answer: Interphase Explanation: No explanation…

Four phases of cell cycle are

Four phases of cell cycle are Options (a) G₁→S→G₂→M (b) S→G₁→G₂→M (c) G₁→G₂→S→M (d) M→G₁→G₂→S Correct Answer: G₁→S→G₂→M Explanation: No…

Difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is that

Difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum is that Options (a) rough ER has ribosomes (b) smooth ER has ribosomes…

Difference between prokaryote and eukaryote lies in

Difference between prokaryote and eukaryote lies in Options (a) cell size (b) cell shape (c) chemical composition of protoplasm (d)…

Folding of inner membrane of mitochondria are called

Folding of inner membrane of mitochondria are called Options (a) grana (b) cristae (c) sacs (d) calcium oxalate crystal Correct…

Dictyosomes are also called

Dictyosomes are also called Options (a) lysosome (b) Golgi body (c) ribosome (d) mitochondria Correct Answer: Golgi body Explanation: No…

Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was put forward by

Fluid mosaic model of cell membrane was put forward by Options (a) Danielli and Davson (b) Singer and Nicolson (c)…

Flocculation or coagulation of protoplasm is the

Flocculation or coagulation of protoplasm is the Options (a) interchangeability between sol and gel states (b) ability to scatter that…