
Chemical bond implies

Chemical bond implies Options (a) attraction and repulsion (b) attraction and repulsion balanced at a particular distance (c) attraction (d)…

Which of the following inert gases does not have eight electrons

Which of the following inert gases does not have eight electrons in the outermost orbit Options (a) Kr (b) Ne…

Element having atomic no.of 56 belongs to which of the following block

Element having atomic no.of 56 belongs to which of the following block of periodic table Options (a) p-block (b) d-block…

Which of the following explains the sequence of filling the electrons

Which of the following explains the sequence of filling the electrons in different shells Options (a) Aufbau principle (b) Hund's…

The maximum energy is possessed by an electrons,when it is present

The maximum energy is possessed by an electrons,when it is present Options (a) in first excited state (b) in nucleus…

The equivalent mass of Fe in FeO is

The equivalent mass of Fe in FeO is Options (a) 56 (b) 28 (c) 36 (d) 18.66 Correct Answer: 28Explanation:No…

The most suitable method of the separation of a 1:1 mixture of ortho-and para

The most suitable method of the separation of a 1:1 mixture of ortho-and para-nitrophenols is Options (a) filtration (b) sublimation…

Helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule, the average kinetic energy

Helium atom is two times heavier than a hydrogen molecule, At 298 K, the average kinetic energy of the helium…

If 1 litre of N₂ is mixed with 2 litre of O₂, quantity explaining it is

If 1 litre of N₂ is mixed with 2 litre of O₂, quantity explaining it is Options (a) Kinetic energy…

The chloramphenicol is an example of

The chloramphenicol is an example of Options (a) antibiotic (b) sulpha drug (c) antiseptic (d) antipyretic Correct Answer: antibioticExplanation:Chloramphenicol is…