
Golgi complex is present in

Golgi complex is present in Options (a) all eukaryotic cells (b) mature sperms (c) RBC (d) chromosomes only Correct Answer:…

Golgi body is associated with

Golgi body is associated with Options (a) packaging and storage of material (b) cell wall formation (c) transport of enzyme…

Golgi bodies arise from

Golgi bodies arise from Options (a) endoplasmic reticulum (b) cell wall (c) lysosome (d) ribosome Correct Answer: endoplasmic reticulum Explanation:…

Gibberellin promote

Gibberellin promote Options (a) seed germination (b) seed dormancy (c) leaf fall (d) root elongation Correct Answer: seed germination Explanation:…

Gibberellin is obtained from

Gibberellin is obtained from Options (a) Phytophthora infestans (b) Gibberella fujikuroi (c) Fusarium moniliforme (d) Alternaria solani Correct Answer: Gibberella…

Genes present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are found in

Genes present in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells are found in Options (a) mitochondria and inherited genes via egg cytoplasm…

Which of the following environmental conditions are essential for optimum

Which of the following environmental conditions are essential for optimum growth of Mucor on a piece of bread Options (a)…

As we go from species to kingdom in a taxonomic hierarchy the number of common

As we go from species to kingdom in a taxonomic hierarchy, the number of common characteristics Options (a) will decrease…

Four phases of cell cycle are

Four phases of cell cycle are Options (a) G₁→S→G₂→M (b) S→G₁→G₂→M (c) G₁→G₂→S→M (d) M→G₁→G₂→S Correct Answer: G₁→S→G₂→M Explanation: No…

Food in plants is transported mainly as

Food in plants is transported mainly as Options (a) starch (b) glucose (c) glycogen (d) sucrose Correct Answer: sucrose Explanation:…