
Heart of cockroach is

Heart of cockroach is Options (a) myogenic (b) neuromyogenic (c) neurogenic (d) none of these Correct Answer: neurogenic Explanation: A…

Male gametes are flagellated in

Male gametes are flagellated in Options (a) polysiphonia (b) Anabaena (c) Ectocarpus (d) spirogyra Correct Answer: EctocarpusExplanation:No explanation available. Be…

Brush bordered epithelium is found in

Brush bordered epithelium is found in Options (a) fallopian tube (b) small intestine (c) stomach (d) trachea Correct Answer: fallopian…

Cells of epithelial tissue on a basement membrane which is madeup of

Cells of epithelial tissue on a basement membrane which is madeup of Options (a) monosaccharides (b) mucopolysaccharides (c) disaccharides (d)…

Select the taxon mentioned that represents both marine and freshwater species

Select the taxon mentioned that represents both marine and freshwater species Options (a) Echinodermata (b) Ctenophora (c) Cephalochordata (d) Cnidaria…

Nissl’s granules are found in cyton of nerve cells.These have affinity of basic

Nissl's granules are found in cyton of nerve cells.These have affinity of basic dyes.The granules are made up of Options…

Monocot stem lacks

Monocot stem lacks Options (a) tracheids (b) sieve tube (c) cambium (d) none of these Correct Answer: cambiumExplanation:No explanation available.…

Connecting link between Annelida and Mollusca

Connecting link between Annelida and Mollusca Options (a) peripatus (b) neopilina (c) proterospongia (d) archaeopteryx Correct Answer: neopilinaExplanation:No explanation available.…

The excretory structure of flatworm Taenia are

The excretory structure of flatworm Taenia are Options (a) flame cells (b) nephridia (c) malpighian tubles (d) green lands Correct…

The characteristic fruit of family Leguminosae is

The characteristic fruit of family Leguminosae is Options (a) legume or pod (b) silicula (c) regma (d) cremocarp Correct Answer:…